I think you did the right thing - just say "no" and retain your dignity. Why bother with a more detailed response if you are not interested?
El blanko
JoinedPosts by El blanko
The elders called!
by nb-dfed ini was home the other night, minding my own business, when the phone rang.
the number was blocked on my caller id, but i answered anyways.
lo and behold!
Jesus Baptism
by Nosferatu ini've been thinking about the whole baptism issue, and it doesn't make any sense.
jesus was baptized.
why did jesus have to get baptized?
El blanko
Maybe as humans we need an objective example to firm a concept within our minds?
Prepare for the Kingdom of God and His Christ
by Brownboy inyou have been granted to view the inner workings of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses.
by reading this letter you can see how satan has misled the entire world.
have no fear and prepare for the kingdom of god and his christ
I photographed a ghost! See pics!
by Sirona inat least i think it might be a ghost .
here is the story: hub and i went to bowness on windermere for a holiday last week.
we had a great time.
El blanko
My friend has a similar problem when trying to quantify his experiences using a digital camera ... most people just say - "a quirk of light or dust or an over active imagination" etc.
Yet, I know he is telling the truth and he has had many odd experiences that have no clear explanation.
I believe in the supernatural and the spirit world, so I haven't got a problem here.
All very interesting stuff Sirona.
My friend awoke two nights ago to a curious mist above his bed (and no he doesn't sleep in a swamp!). Four weeks ago several forks involuntarily hurled themselves across his kitchen. A week before he heard something come into the room and sit on his bed; when he looked there was a dent at the end of the bed.
Makes me laugh actually, as every other day he seems to have a close encounter of the whacky kind. Rather him than me
A Witch Told my Friend he would Die... (serious thread - opinions)
by Confucious inhey guys, .
one of my closest friends told me that when he was 15, he went to get his palm read by a witch.
she told him that he would be dead by the time he was 35. .
El blanko
This person (witch?) is ascribing an ability to him or herself that they do not possess. No man or woman can accurately predict the death of another.
I have known two people who were told similar tales of their demise. One by a Tarot reader and the other by a medium.
The one guy should have been dead 18 years ago in a motorcycle accident and a lady I know of was not meant to make it past 65, guess what, they are both still alive.
I believe in supernatural events and I also believe in invisible (to our eyes) entities, but I do not believe in this charlatan.
Tell your friend to try ignore this persons spell over him and I wish him well.
Fear Of Demons:
by Englishman inthere was a time when jw's wouldn't buy anything that wasn't brand spanking new.
it might be a way for the demons to enter your home!.
this is from the wt, dec 15, 1966:.
El blanko
i asked satan if i could sell him my soul for rock'n'roll - no reply. watched "demonic" movies, listened to "demonic" music... those damn demons don't seem to care! invited them for a beer, none came. i'm probably too holy?
Hehe - well if that is true, then according to my theory of the twisted universe, if ' they ' do exist, then basically you would have played right into their hands and you are no longer of any use. Maybe it's like the JW's - after you convert, the interest in you as a person diminishes? Hey, I just compared the methodology of the WTBTS to the hideous world of demons. How interesting.
Already it starts.
by Fleur inmy grandmother hasn't even been put to rest yet and already, my mother starts with "you know that grandma's greatest wish was for you to get reinstated.".
then, one of my siblings tells me that another of my siblings not only said she wouldn't come to grandma's memorial if i went but also that sibling who called me should not still be talking to me; even though i called her to tell her that grandma died.. i am facing the fact that my family may not even give me details of the memorial directly because they won't want me to go.
i don't know if i want to go to another funeral that is really just a commercial for the wts instead of talking about the person who is gone at all.
El blanko
My Grandmother hasn't even been put to rest yet and already, my mother starts with "You know that Grandma's greatest wish was for you to get reinstated."
Then, one of my siblings tells me that another of my siblings not only said she wouldn't come to Grandma's memorial if I went but also that sibling who called me should not still be talking to me; even though I called her to tell her that Grandma died.
Grrrrrr..... makes me mad to hear the same old story again and I do feel sorry for you. How some individuals love to pound upon an open wound.
So much for love amongst them eh!
Conditional love maybe, hmmm, yes, thats it. Conditional. Listen to us, obey our voice and our arms will fold around you.
Have you murdered anybody? Do you regularly thieve from your family? Are you obnoxious in general? Do you launch unprovoked attacks on family members? Are you a hideous sex offender?
I hope you are able to step away and see the situation for what it is.
Does Satan the Devil enter your mind at all?
by undercover ini'm feeling very minimus like today...i thought we could have some fun with this one...
El blanko
Another grim faerie tale.
You hope - mwar harrr har harrrrrrrrrrrr etc (evil laughter of course)
Does Satan the Devil enter your mind at all?
by undercover ini'm feeling very minimus like today...i thought we could have some fun with this one...
El blanko
Yep - still interested in Bible based characters and considering the state of the general human psyche, he may just be lurking behind the veil... you never know!
I threw out all MY JW literature today
by Tim Horton inhow many of you have come to that point and remember that day.
do you know the exact date.
El blanko
I've been tempted to do the same myself of late, but there is probably some worth in me holding onto the Reasoning Book, NWT, Insight Volumes .... just for counter-intelligence work
I think boxing it up is a good idea, as from time to time it may be worth flipping the lid to review ones relationship with the literature. If there is zero emotional response, then you know that the conditioning has faded.